When you are down and out an African Bank Personal can help you get up and find yourself financially, since African Bank is one of the banks that offers some of the best personal loans in South Africa which are best suited for people’s needs.
You can apply for an African Bank Personal Loans which starts from a minimum amount of R2000 and up to a maximum of R350000 African Bank has a reasonable payment term which ranges from 7 months up to 72 months and it has a 15% interest rate to 24.50%.
Requirements to qualify for African Bank Personal Loan
There are few requirements that you need before you can apply for a personal loan, below you can find what is needed before you can go any further with your application:
- You must be a South African citizen older than 18 years
- Must be employed and have proof of employment
- Must have a good credit score at least 540
- Must have all the documents required when applying for a loan
African Bank Personal Loan Required documents
Further more these are the requirement that are needed for an African Bank Personal Loan:
- Recent 3 months bank statements from where your salary gets deposited
- Latest payslip for proof of salary payment
- Must have South African Identity Card (ID)
African Bank gives its new and existing clients the capability to apply for a loan online and existing clients who have qualified for a personal loan can have access to the pause option that gives you a break on paying the loan.
To apply for a African Bank Personal Loan you should visit the African Bank website or use the African Bank app or contact them using this cell phone number 0860 111 1011.
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